Interested in becoming a model? Not sure yet? Here is a list of frequently asked questions to help you decide whether or not you would like to take the next step.
What are the height, weight, age, (etc.) requirements?
Our clients generally seek a very diverse portfolio. Casting calls could range from something on the side of “glamorous”, to something on the side of “ordinary”. Our models are not required to have a specific height, weight, or age. However, we do conduct a screening process to determine how well you photograph, and whether or not your look is marketable. For instance, if you have a small tattoo just above your eyebrow, we would probably not consider you for representation in this market.
What type of modeling would I be doing?
Our models typically work on television commercials, print ads, and sometimes, promotional type work.
Do you represent actors?
Yes, including voice-over actors. Please indicate when contacting us if you are interested in modeling, acting, or both.
Am I guaranteed to get modeling jobs when I sign up with your agency?
Our team works hard to increase your visibility, and deliver you as a prospect, but the decision is never really ours. Therefore, just like modeling in all major U.S. cities, work is not guaranteed.
Do I need a portfolio?
A portfolio is not necessary, but it is mandatory to supply us with professional photographs for our agency’s website.
Do I have to sign an exclusive contract with New York Model Talent?
No, we are a non-exclusive agency. In the case of a national booking, a short-term contract for that job may be appropriate to sign.
What do I have to do to get started?
If you are interested and serious about modeling or acting in the Rochester and surrounding area, please send us an email. Emails must include photos of yourself and the following information: date of birth, height, weight, and contact information. Photos do not have to be professional images. New York Model Talent must receive your photos before scheduling an interview with a member of our staff. Once we receive your images, your information will be reviewed, you will be contacted as soon as possible. Those represented by New York Model Talent will have their photos posted on our website. These pictures will be right-click protected, but keep in mind there is no foolproof way to protect photos from being downloaded once posted to the internet.